Thursday, December 11, 2008

My blog is Fabulous!

Thanks Stephanie, for awarding me with a fabulous blog! Here are five blogs I think are FABULOUS!!

1- House of Juan... It is always so fun to see what the Lopez's are doing and what crazy thing the kids have done. It gives me a good laugh and it makes you smile seeing little miss Sofia!

2- Wilkinson Crew... What can I say.... Lukas is to cute to miss out on. Brandi does so well keeping us posted on everything they are doing. I'm looking forward to seeing little miss Blair in a few months. I feel so special to know that you think so much of me to name her after me. Thank you Brandi and Dan!

3- Sheffield troupe... They are so far away I love seeing what is going on in there life's. Plus I have to keep up on what my Goddaughter is doing. She is growing so fast. I miss you guys! Thanks for keeping us in the loop!

4- cgaddisgo.... What amazing recipes! She even teaches you how to make them. I love to find new recipes to try out... She makes them look so good you want to try them all. Thanks for sharing with us!

5- Sandoval's .... I have so enjoyed being able to catch up on Stephanie and Sal's life. Isaac is so cute and I'm a bit jealous of their relationship. Stephanie does so much fun things with Isaac. Seeing all the Christmas crafts they are doing is making wish I had one of my own to do things like that with. I'm so glad we became friends.

Fabulous Addictions!

1- Chocolate... What else can I say... it's just damn good but it has to be dark chocolate.
2- Shobi..... My wonderful husband. I just wish he was here to be truly addicted too.
3- Caffeine... It helps me get through the day and I am so glad and so are my clients! :)
4- Date cookies... mostly the dough. It isn't Christmas without them!
5- Laughing... it makes life easier to deal with through the tough times. A child's laugh is the best! Lukas keeps me laughing with his!

Alright ladies, here are the rules to receiving this award:

You have to pass it on to 5 other fabulous blogs in a post.
2. You have to list 5 of your fabulous addictions in the post.
3. You must copy and paste the rules and the instructions below in the post.Instructions:On your post of receiving this award, make sure you include the person that gave you the award and link it back to them. When you post your five winners, make sure you link them as well. To add the award to your post, simply right-click, save image, then "add image" it in your post as a picture so your winners can save it as To add it to your sidebar, add the "picture" gadget. Also, don't forget to let your winners know they won an award from you by emailing them or leaving a comment on their blog.Now get to it I can't wait to see your creativity in recreating your own blog awards!

Friday, December 5, 2008


If you have read Kristy's blog then you know the crazy week we have had. It all started with a lousy headache that arrived on Thanksgiving Day. I wasn't going to let it ruin Thanksgiving for me so I put on a smile and headed down to Shelley and Jim's house for Thanksgiving dinner. It was a yummy dinner and it was nice to visit with all the family. This lousy headache persisted for 5 more days. As that was going on we had a case of lice hit with Maxx. When the Lopez's came up for Thanksgiving, Kristy had said he was itching his head alot. I checked out his hair and I didn't see anything. I figured he is 7 and shampooing his own hair and not rinsing out the shampoo well enough. Well That wasn't it!!! Saturday as we were getting ready to go up to Salt Lake City for Rachel and Jake's wedding reception they hatched. Now being a Hairstylist this is my worse NIGHTMARE! After shampooing, combing with the gel and shampooing again I could still see them. Needless to say Maxx is now sporting a shaved head. As I was shaving his head, outside, we was looking down at the hair coming off and telling Abby to come check out the bugs in his hair. He thought it was kinda cool. That's a seven year old. Poor Rachel..... I was suppose to do her hair for her reception but when she heard about the lice she said she could do it herself that she liked her long hair and wanted to keep it. I don't blame her. After the reception we went over to Temple Square to see the lights. We got a late start and so as we work are way around to the old tabernacle the lights went out. We were looking at the lights on main street, enjoying them. After a potty break we came back out and they were out too. So much for a long enjoyment. Sunday morning mom had noticed her wedding ring was missing. She had looked all over and worried that she had lost it up at temple square. Luckily it came off in her glove and fallen out in my car. What luck! We spent all of Sunday and most of Monday sanitizing the whole house and everyones hair. Thinking that things couldn't get worse..... Tuesday morning when the Lopez's were getting ready to leave, Juan saw a mouse run into our pantry. YUCK! So I spent Tuesday morning cleaning out the pantry with clorex wipes. I put our some decon but they still are invading us. Monday a pest control guy will come out and hopefully get rid of them. WE are clean people I promise! Oh I forgot to tell you that Sunday was mom's 81's birthday and she woke up sick with a cold. Thursday I got the stomach flu and now it is Friday and mom still has her cold and now my stomach flu. This was a plague of a Thanksgiving! I'm not sure what we are suppose to be thankful for this year! Sorry I didn't take any pictures.... dealing with it all and a headache I spaced taking pictures. Or maybe it was I didn't want to remember it!! I hope you all had a plague free Thanksgiving!

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving

I am thankful for so many things.

1- My wonderful Husband that I am missing so much!
2- Mom... I don't know where I would be without you! I love you!
3- Family and friends..... without them life would be lonely
4- My Job... without it I couldn't have #5
5- A warm house
6-Clients...I love my clients! Thanks you for being so supportive!
7-That I have 10 fingers so that I can cut hair.

8- Turkeys that are raised for our consumption.
9- Little kids and all their funnies!
10-Last but not least..... PUMPKIN PIE!

What would Thanksgiving be without this! I feel so blessed to have all of this in my life. I have traveled to places where people might only have the first 2 or 3 in their life's. Let us not forget about those who are less fortunate then we. Let us be kinder to others and remember, to have a better place to live, is helping each other out. Coming together and celebrating the joys of our country! Not let race, religion or short comings get in the way of being better people. Thank you for a life of freedom! Freedom to be who I want. I am so thankful for everyone who has made me who I am. You have touched my heart and soul and I love you!
I wish a Happy Thanksgiving to you all!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008


               CHRISTMAS TAG

1. Wrapping paper or gift bags?

both..... it depends on the package and what I have to wrap in.
2. Real tree or Artificial?
We use to do real trees but i got tired of putting the lights on it so we got a fake tree a few years back. But I still will every once in a while get a real tree..... there is nothing like picking out a tree and bringing it home.
3. When do you put up the tree?

Mom likes to still have Thanksgiving up until after her birthday which is the 30th of November. So around December 1st.
4. When do you take the tree down?
New Years weekend.

5. Do you like eggnog?
No not really.
6. Favorite gift received as a child?
Simon says game
7. Hardest person to buy for?
Kevin, my brother.
8. Easiest person to buy for?
Sofia..... it's fun buying for little kids. They love everything
9. Do you have a Nativity set?
Yes and I love it.... it actually is Mom's that we put up. She made it herself the Christmas after Dad died.
10. Mail or email Christmas cards?
Mail..... hopefully I get around to doing it this year.
11. Worst Christmas gift you ever received?
Nothing is coming to mind!
12. Favorite Christmas Movie?
It's a wonderful life and The Christmas story
13. When do you start shopping for Christmas?
when ever I see something that might work for someone but the majority is November.
14. Have you ever recycled a Christmas present?
Yes...... white elephant
15. Favorite thing to eat at Christmas?
Date Cookies, sugar cookies and a yummy Christmas dinner
16. Lights on the tree?
Plain white
17. Favorite Christmas song?
Silent Night, Oh come all ye faithful, I love Dwight Yoakam's Christmas CD
18. Travel at Christmas or stay home?
Both.... most of the time we stay home but this year we are traveling to Arizona to have it with my sister and my brother and their families.
19. Can you name all of Santa's reindeer's?
Yes.... from years of singing Rudolph.
20. Angel on the tree-top or a star?
Neither.... poinsettias
21. Open the presents Christmas Eve or morning?
Christmas morning.... growing up we would open one present on Christmas eve and it was usually our P.J's
22. Most annoying thing about this time of the year?
People forgetting what Christmas is all about.
23. Favorite ornament theme or color?
We use poinsettias, red balls but this year we are adding a few Snowman ornaments. We have tried other colors but we go back to red with our poinsettias.
24. Favorite food for Christmas dinner?
It use to be a ham but now that I have given up pork it is turkey. Christmas eve dinner we try to make a meal from another country. Not sure what it will be this year.
25. What do you want for Christmas this year?
My Husband getting off a plane in Utah wrapped in a big red bow!

I tag Kristy, Abby, Brandi, Ryane, Trudy, Katie and Hillary

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Going to miss summer in my backyard!

Mom and I really enjoyed hanging out in the backyard this summer. It was so peaceful! After work I would come home and grab my book and a ice cold ice tea and head for the swing. Mom bought her the best mother's day present ever! We both love the swing. It is hard saying goodbye to summer and fall as snow is approaching us. Luckily we have the holidays to look forward too.

Grandparents with Savannah

It's funny how playing with a baby can turn adults into high talking, noise making, giddy kids. Savannah was so much fun. I think she was in aw watching great Grandma B and Grandpa fuss over her. She has her Grandpa wrapped around her little finger! Mommy and Daddy also!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

My Goddaughter

This is Savannah, my Goddaughter. She was born on July 24, 2008. We ( Mom, Kevin, and I) went down to Houston for her baptism in September. It was so nice to finally hold her. She is a precious little girl. Thank you Ryane for asking me to be her Godmother. I hope I can live up to the name. She is going to be one well dressed little girl. It looks like I will have to be visiting Houston often. Shobi loves Houston so he will be very happy to visit.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Our Status

I thought I would update our status.... we are now into the second stage of immigration. Our papers are at the National Visa Center processing from there they will go to Islamabad for Shobi's interview. We were told this could take a total of 4 months with the NVC and a few more months after that for the interview. So we are hoping that in 5 months Shobi will be here and we can start our life. We did just have our 1st year anniversary on the 3rd of Sept. I had a great friend take me out to dinner that night to celebrate since I couldn't celebrate it with my husband. We will make up all our lost time together soon. I want to thank everyone for there prayers for us. Ramadan started the 1st of Sept and Shobi is getting ready for EID. EID is their big celebration after the 30 days of fasting for Ramadan. It would be like our Christmas, but it last for 3 days. Other then this life keeps going on as usual and we keeping doing our daily rituals. Just hopefully soon we will have something very exciting to post here.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Some Good News

On Wednesday the 28th we got new from our lawyer that our papers are being processed. It was a very happy day for both of us. We still don't know how long the whole process takes but we are so happy it has started. Once the papers are approved here then they go to a national visa center and more papers are filed then it goes to Islamabad for the final process. Thank you everyone for all your prayers for us. We are so happy that our time to be together as a family will be soon. With summer coming upon us it is getting harder not being together. There is so much beauty here I want to share with Shobi. So many holidays to celebrate with family. I wish you all could know what a wonderful guy he is. Soon!!

Sunday, April 13, 2008


I know it has been a long time since I have updated my blog. So I thought I would update you a bit. We are still waiting on immigration to get to our paper work. They are getting closer. The last time I checked they were at Sept. 5, 2007 and we are Nov. 13, 2007. We are still in the dark at how long it will take even when they get to our work. We are hoping by the end of this year we can be together. Things are going good for us in the mean time. We are just trying to stay busy so the time goes by faster. Shobi is working with a friend in travel and still at the salon. I am working still at the Haven Salon and getting the yard ready for summer. I know he looks forward to meeting everyone as do you look forward to meeting him. Let's all keep our fingers crossed so maybe it will happen sooner then later. :)