Sunday, November 23, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving

I am thankful for so many things.

1- My wonderful Husband that I am missing so much!
2- Mom... I don't know where I would be without you! I love you!
3- Family and friends..... without them life would be lonely
4- My Job... without it I couldn't have #5
5- A warm house
6-Clients...I love my clients! Thanks you for being so supportive!
7-That I have 10 fingers so that I can cut hair.

8- Turkeys that are raised for our consumption.
9- Little kids and all their funnies!
10-Last but not least..... PUMPKIN PIE!

What would Thanksgiving be without this! I feel so blessed to have all of this in my life. I have traveled to places where people might only have the first 2 or 3 in their life's. Let us not forget about those who are less fortunate then we. Let us be kinder to others and remember, to have a better place to live, is helping each other out. Coming together and celebrating the joys of our country! Not let race, religion or short comings get in the way of being better people. Thank you for a life of freedom! Freedom to be who I want. I am so thankful for everyone who has made me who I am. You have touched my heart and soul and I love you!
I wish a Happy Thanksgiving to you all!


Steph said...

You are such a great person. So thoughtful and kind. I love this time of year too. I am thankful for you befriending me at the Salon and helping me learn so much! I will forever be grateful for that!

Kristy said...

Happy Thanksgiving to you! We are very grateful for you and all you do for us. We so lucky to have you in our lives. Love you!

trudy...{and jamo} said...

you are so good!

Steph said...

Thanks again for my awesome hair! I haven't liked my hair this much since well the last time you did it! :) seriously the cut and color are perfect!