Saturday, September 21, 2013

My Sweet Husband!

I have to give a shout out to my wonderful Husband! He was so sweet to me Thursday. He stayed home with me and helped me clean the house. We got cable hooked up. I had taken a nap that afternoon and when I woke up I found my husband in the kitchen fixing us dinner. He wouldn't let me help him. He made me sit at the table and keep him company instead. He even did the dishes. I thought I better document this moment. Never know when it will happen again! :)
fixing dinner

   He got silly when he noticed the camera. It was so sweet of him to make me dinner and clean up. He made us chicken sandwiches. They were quite tasty! One other shout out! Sunday we had his family over for dinner. I made spicy chicken wings and ginger garlic coconut rice. The kitchen was a mess but I left it until Shobi took his family home. I started cleaning the kitchen and doing dishes. We have had problems with the draining from the kitchen sink. So I was using one pan to clean and another to rinse so not to much water was running down the drain. Well I guess that wasn't enough. I was almost done when water came pouring out of the cabinet below. It was disgusting. We don't have a disposal so I scrap everything into the garbage. Well I don't think the people before us did. The smell was so bad. I had no way of cleaning it up because I couldn't get it to unclog. I shut the kitchen door hoping that in time it would drain slowly then I could mop things up and clean. I went into the bathroom to change my pants and clean my shoes. I had had it by that time. It was around 11pm when Shobi got back. I told him what had happened and he said leave it and we will deal with it in the morning. I was dreading waking up! I woke up to my husband cleaning it all up. He had gotten up before me and cleaned out the drain and under the sink and was mopping the floor when I came in. I was so happy to have a man that would do this for me. I have been blessed! The kitchen was sparkling clean when he was done! I love this man!


Brandi, Dan, L and B said...

That is great! That is what every girl deserves. I am hoping that Lukas and Case learn by Dans example. That Blair also learns how to be treated.

M and K said...

It was so good to catch up on how you are doing. I'm glad you are adapting, and I'm so impressed with how you are handling so many changes. What a great man you married though! It sounds like he is really helping you transition. I'm glad you found him! Keep up the updates! Love, Kristin